2017 Gastech A Success For Foster® Products

The Foster stand at 2017 Gastech (left to right), Leonard Koh (EMATCO), Steve Oslica (Foster Products), Troy Anderson (Foster Products), Andrew Koh (EMATCO), and John Hassel (Foster Products).
TOKYO, Japan (April 17) – Foster® Products exhibited at the Gastech 2017 Exhibition and Conference at Makuhari Messe Chiba earlier this month. Gastech 2017 gathered over 25,000 commercial experts and technical innovators from the up, mid and downstream sectors of the supply chain to discover business-changing insights, explore innovative solutions and build profitable business connections. And the Foster Team was able to meet with many new and existing customers, making it a very successful week.

At the Foster® Prooducts Hospitality Event (l to r), Andrew Koh (EMATCO), Steve Oslica, Anna Oslica, Jane Koh (EMATCO).
However, in between important business meetings on the Exposition floor, the Foster Team also hosted a hospitality event in Tokyo that included fine food, good drink and lots of friendly conversation that was enjoyed by all.
The Foster Team looks forward to the Gastech 2018 Exhibition and Conference in Barcelona next year.